Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today you're 10,000 times bigger than you were at conception! You are the size of a blueberry and have been generating brain cells like crazy (hopefully you'll make a little extra so you're not such a silly teenager someday)! This week you'll be working on a cute little mouth and toungue. Beter make it a long one baby so you can stick it out at daddy and your uncles...I'm sure they'll appreciate that :) Your arm and leg buds are growing too and soon you'll have elbows, hands, knees, and feet. But today you probably still just have little paddles, but that's okay with me.

I have been feeling more and more pregnant lately, and though I still don't have a belly, I definately notice that you're in there, evidenced by phantom pains, hunger pain too because you won't let me eat much, back aches, and these really weird stretching uterus feels like a washing machine on a spin cycle sometimes. I don't know what you're doing in there (probably nothing yet because you're too little), or maybe it's the hormones, but it's definately funny feeling. But I don't mind little one, it's how I know you're still in there! I can't wait until I feel you move...that will be pretty amazing!

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