January 8th 2010
I had decided a few days earlier that since I was coming close to the 40 day mark in my cycle, that it was probably about time to call for some provera so that I could begin a new cycle. I knew that one of the first questions that Alma (my infertility/endocrinology RN) would ask was "are you pregnant?" It's a routine question and I've been asked before, so this time I wanted to save her the guess work and take a test to confirm that I wasn't, so that she could put in the order for the medication without me making a trip out to Fontana. So, after I left the Clarks that night, and on my way over to my in-laws, I stopped by the dollar tree to pick up a puzzle and a test. I thought it unwise to spend $8-12 on another fancy negative test!
Thomas and I went out to Applebee's that night and got boca burgers and beer and strawberry lemonade, it was pretty yummy and Rachael met us there since she was staying the night. When we got home, I picked up a little and then snuck into our room to take the test that I had inconspicuously shoved into my purse. I didn't want Thomas to know that I had bought "another" pregnancy test...after two years he's a little touchy about me bringing them home. I pulled out a paper cup from my secret under-the-sink stash (because you need those for the dollar store kind), filled it up and then routinely put "4 drops into the round well", and began to walk away, thinking I would go do some more tidying and then come back to confirm that a faint line didn't appear before the 10 minute mark. I fully expected to toss it away, but before I could even set it down on our vanity, there was already a second dark(!) purple line appearing! It was pretty instantaneous. !!And at 9:30 pm thank you very much!! I called for Thomas and met him in the hallway. I was already crying and my entire body was shaking. He saw the little test and hugged me so tight! Rachael peeked her head out of the guest room and knew exactly what was going on. She cried too and gave me a sweet little hug.
I ran to our altar and fell down before the icon of our Lady and of our Lord and thanked God for being given a gift that I was/am so completely undeserving of. I put a little string that had been placed on this, on (After doing three 40 day periods with it, I just laid it neatly in front of the icon of St.Elizabeth and the Theotokos) and anointed my belly with the myrrh from this icon of our Lady. Thomas was pretty tired so he went to bed shortly after all the excitement died down. I spent the next hour printing up this and this. Thomas called me a little while later and asked if I could come to bed. So I did...and we preyed those prayers, and we cuddled and just before I fell asleep he whispered "thank you for making me such a special gift". It was really cute, and so amazing...it just might have been the best night ever.
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