Sunday, January 17, 2010

GRAND parents

January 12th 2010
Today was the day that I told my mom and dad, not intentionally, but they found out nonetheless. I had these grand ideas to tell them in some unique way, like having us all go to a restaurant and having the waiter/waitress slip a picture of the baby into the menus or somehting. It's silly but they would have been pretty surprised. My dad called me that day to see about an eye appointment I had had a day or so earlier. He ended up asking me if I had started my cycle yet (I know, I know, my family is so into "tmi"), I guess my mom "keeps track" of them and knew I was late, and had made reference to that fact daily for the last two and a half weeks. I tried to tell a little lie at first, but when I heard the disappointment in his voice I just blurted it out. He didn't believe me at first! He cried and said a little prayer and thanked God. It was so beautiful. He recommended that I tell my mom, so I did.

Mom finds out! from Maria Ham on Vimeo.

(I'm not sure if you'll be able to hear the entire conversation, I couldn't really predict if she was going to stay in the bathroom or not, but it's pretty funny, and proof that my nazi mom tracks my cycles, and that sweet look at the end, well it just gets me every time!)

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