Wednesday, February 10, 2010


You are the size of a green olive this week and have started to move around in there (and I swear I felt you move the other day!?!?!?!!??!). You've grown a whole inch since last week and you are working on growing all of your little muscles so I can feel you move around in there (more) and play hockey with daddy someday. Oh and did I mention you're not an embryo anymore? You are now officially a fetus...Congrats little baby!

I have been super bad at updating this thing and I'm seriously beginning to doubt my ability to do so for 31 more weeks :) (maybe). I actually turn a "new week" on Thursdays, so tomorrow I'll be 10 weeks. So much for accurately recording the bump. I'll have to get a better schedule down. It's just really hard to take pictures of yourself, and to like them enough to put on the internet. Oh well, it's still so fun!

I always think of things to write about, but then forget. So I'm going to steal an idea from a sweet lady that I've been friends with (she's a soulcyster! I know, silly name, she's from a PCOS online group that I'm a member of) for a while now (in internet land of course). Her struggle with IF just recently ended too! She's about 15 weeks or so and every week she does these little pregnancy updates.

Oh and I totally think I felt the baby move! It was the strangest most insane sensation and I've never felt anything like it. It felt kind of like a mix between fluttering and a strange electrical sensation or pop. It was so fast, but I was pretty excited. I know that the baby cannot voluntarily move yet, but I know that it "spontaneously twitches" (hehe)...who knows, I think I'll have to wait a few more months to be sure. We did hear it's/(their :) heartbeat at 6 1/2 weeks. Maybe it's just an overachiever, or it could be a brute. 

9 week update!

How far along: 9 weeks and 6 days

Symptoms: So far so good! I get some nausea randomly throughtout the day which tends to hit pretty heavy at night. I'm super tired, but I have been managing to exercise daily, which I think is great (my dogs do too!). I'm still super bloated too and really gassy. I've started to get some headaches and lower back/tailbone/hip pain (ouch!!!!!) which is my biggest complaint. My mom had a lot of trouble with sciatic pain and with her hips, well, not working. I hope it's not genetic :)

Total weight gain: None yet :)

Maternity clothes: Just a few pairs of jeans that I've been gifted. I did manage to find this really awesome pair at the thrift store! They are so nice and soooo comfy (and I think I look really cute in them!) and were only $4 bucks! I like to wear baggy shirts. I look like I'm four months pregnant sometimes and I'm so paranoid that I'll be out and someone will ask "how far along are you?" and I'll have to respond something like "not as far along as you're thinking, I'm just full of excriment and air, check back in a month or so". So, on with the baggy shirts!
Stretch marks: I've gotten a few on my chest, but thankfully none yet. (that would be pretty bad if you were already getting stretch marks at 9 weeks) Plus I already have a million from "growing". This question doesn't really count yet.

Sleep: Sleep has been "something to be desired". I've been a major slacker and have been going to bed waaaaayyyyyy too late. I do sleep in some mornings (until around 9 :) but my "night" time sleep has been really crappy. I hate our bed. My back already hurts and I think it's just making it worse. It's like sleeping on a roll of quilted nothern ultra and/or mamma bears bed. It should be illegal to make beds that cooshy. I think if I had a more stable surface to sleep on my back wouldn't hurt so much. Plus I've been sleeping like such a mad woman and thrashing around all night and boiling Thomas up that sometimes he goes elsewhere to sleep, which is sad, and kind of scarry because I'm afraid of zombies. Peeing is a problem too, but we'll save that for another day.

Best moment last week: Being at Liturgy on Monday night and thinking about if next year I'll be up there with a little boy :)

Movement: Nothing yet...I think :)

Food cravings: Still on that rice krispie kick. I don't know if it's the cold milk and the crunchy blandness or it's iron fortification that I'm craving but I really can't get enough. I've seriously have three bowls already today.I'm still really growwed out by chocotale (like chocolate bars or see's) and not really into spicy or seasoned things.

Belly Button in or out: In.

What I miss: Sushi, Sushi, Sushi, Sushi, Blue Cheese, Sushi, Sushi, Sushi, Sushi....get the point.

What I am looking forward to: My first prenatal appointment with the OB!!!! She has been my OBGYN for a few years now and she is the sweetest, most gentle, kind lady that I've ever met (who's in that line of work of course :). I really can't wait to see her and the baby again. I actually have a count down, 14 more days.
Milestones:Hmmmm? For me jsut being pregnant is a huge milestone!!!! But I suppose, getting past the 8 week mark is realy exciting too. And hey, how bout that whole fetus thing?
How is daddy? He's doing well. He's super upset that I keep bringing up the whole "are you sure you don't want to find out, cause today, I kind of think I might want to" thing. It REALLY makes him mad. So we won't talk about it anymore. And we won't find out. He was reading this book "your pregnancy week by week, for the father to be" but I don't think he was really paying much attention to what it was saying (as evidenced by comments like "pregnant people look so fat and gross" and "are you sure you need to eat that, this late" and "I don't know why you're being so emotional", also I'm pretty sure chapter three reccomended to "get your partner a special gift"....yeah, he must have skipped that part) Oh well, I still love him!

How are the grandparents? They are super excited!

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