Tuesday, August 24, 2010

week 37

Little one, you've made it to week 37 and it's almost time for us to meet! We are all ready for you but the doctor and midwife tell me that you are a really little one, so take your time in there and get all cute and chubby, because we like chubby cheeks out here. I had to go in for some special testing this week and I got to hear your heartbeat and see you again, twice actually! You were making the cutest faces and had the sweetest little lips and nose (they looked so big luscious little baby, it made everyone laugh!). Your little profile was so beautiful...she let me watch you for a while. You were holding your little arms up to your face and were clenching your fists so tight. I think you were wondering what we were doing out there. The doctor was so pround of you for being such a great "practice breather", she said it made her happy to see you trying so hard, because she knows that you had the extra energy to devote to all your "outside life" practice! Keep getting stronger and bigger little one! We can't wait to see your little face and give you so many kisses.

Symptoms: I've been experiencing some spotting, really tingly boobs, menstrual-like cramps under my belly, more frequent and stronger (and longer) braxton hicks contractions, frequent urnation, pressure, reverse sciatica (I think the baby is playing with a nerve that runs down the inner thigh-it feels so funny, kind of like a dead leg), and discharge (TMI I know). Oh and did I mention I lost my mucous plug 18 days ago. Yes 18. At least I know the gears are turning. The wait has been/is kind of exciting though :) 

Total weight gain: 23 pounds

Maternity clothes: Yes please! I have outgrown (or hate/or stained) almost every item I own with a maternity label. I would really like to go and get some larger sized stuff without stains all over the boobs and belly, but...you know, the mister says no.

Stretch marks: Those "two little ones" on my hip have gotten a bit bigger, and redder. :) I secretly want to splurge and buy bio oll :P

Sleep: I've been getting plenty of sleep, mostly in the mornings though. My nights are kind of restless and I get up pretty often. I can't sleep on my back anymore (it's really painful) so I've learned to enjoy side sleeping. I have no problem sleeping in though, that's actually when I get my best sleep! I'm definitely livin' it up, but I am pretty excited to sleep on my belly again, even if it means less sleep!
Best moment this week: Getting our maternity pictures back from our friend. They are so beautiful, and made me cry when I saw them...I never thought I'd be taking maternity pictures with my husband. God is so merciful!

Movement: Baby Ham has slowed down a bit, but is still pretty active. I mostly notice big stretches and slower movements, probably because he or she is running out of room.

Food cravings: Cereal with really cold milk sounds good all of the time, yogurt with granola (yum), sandwiches and anything cold is really great these days.

Belly Button in or out: Flat. Really flat. 

What I miss: Just sushi.

What I am looking forward to: Experiencing labor and meeting our baby.
Milestones: Week 37! Baby Ham is considered full term! (well kind of)
How is daddy? I think he's excited and nervous at the same time. He always finds a way to mention that his wife is pregnant to random people, even sometimes in front of me...I think it's so cute!

How are the grandparents? Great! Still excited I'm sure! :P

Friday, August 20, 2010

week 36

Today we went in for our 36 week (AND 5 days) appointment little baby, and you had the midwife all worked up about a few things. The midwife tells me you are going to be small...she estimates you at 5 or 5 1/2 pounds right now. She thinks you'll be 6 or so by the time you're born, but maybe you'll surprise us! I bought us some bacon (real bacon not the kind that Daddy eats!) for our sandwiches today ;) hope you like it! You're still doing really strange things in there and I'm a bit curious to see when you'll come! Only a few more weeks now little one...we are praying for you and anticipating your arrival!

We had our home visit last night with our birth team and attendants. I was so nervous, and it was a little stressful for me. It was hot and we had a lot of people in one room, and I was worried about how some of our attendants were going to react to the meeting, and what questions would be brought up. I also met for the first time, two new midwives, one of whom will be at the birth, and was imagining that in a few weeks I'll be half naked in front of everyone there.

Thomas seemed uncomfortable amidst all the estrogen which subsequently led to the loosening up his already loose filter. The meeting ended with a baby "ebbing" in and out of the "birth opening", a reference made to "prairie dogging", and me telling him rather rudely that he could go in the other room if he couldn't handle it. My FIL also joined in for the last few minutes, he missed the no boys allowed except for Thomas memo. So in all it was an awkward adventure, but one I'm glad to have been on. I feel excited, and somewhat prepared...and huge.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

week 35

This week little one you and my body have been doing some strange things. For starters, I've been spotting for three days now and on Sunday I lost part of my mucous plug, twice. I also feel like you have moved down a bit, your kicks aren't where I'm used to feeling them and are definitely "lower", I can't tell though if you've "dropped down" or not, I don't think you have. What does all this mean? We're not sure :) We do know that you could come this week or in three...or five. Hopefully not seven though, okay? At any rate, I'm sure you'll let us know. I've already had a little talk with you if you though...at least 12 more days okay baby!

Things are getting more and more exciting around here and we've been doing lot to prepare for little baby Ham. With the countdown at 5 weeks (hopefully not 7!), I feel like I can see the end of the road! I still have lots to do though (some special sewing projects for our midwife) so I don't mind if the baby gives me a little more time.

Copyright © 2010 by Mia Santana
BellaMia Foto, Riverside, CA | 951.818.5619

Thursday, August 5, 2010

week 34

This week we went to meet our midwife and Karen (another midwife) to talk about you and me, and your arrival next month! We had our visit in her office, which was the front half of her home. We talked a lot about my iron levels, and went over different questions we had for her regarding our home birth. We will be scheduling our 37 week "home visit" soon, which will be kind of like a walk through, and ordering our birth kit tomorrow! I can't believe you're almost here little one! Daddy and I are so excited to meet you! 

We are currently in the Dormition fast and I'm using this special time (it's a feast of my patron saint you know) to pray extra, and prepare my heart for your arrival. I've been trying to get us to church more (there's a service everyday) and to pray for us and for your birth a lot too. Things have been pretty peaceful around here and this season in the church has definitely contributed to such a feeling. I am feeling myself slow down these days, and like it a lot.

I don't know if this is normal, but I still feel really great! Sure, I'm pretty tired and sometimes grumpy, but I really, really cannot complain-pregnancy has been pretty good to me. Every now and then I'll do something I shouldn't and pinch a nerve, or I'll get a lot of BH's in a row and that's uncomfortable, or have trouble sleeping comfortably. But, I can move around fine, with a semi, not full, waddle, and have lots of cute things to wear so I'm a happy camper. Plus-there's a baby in there (!) and that makes it all worth it. A lot of people have been asking me if I'm "done" being pregnant. I know I still have a little over a month to go, and that might change thigns, but I'm kind of worried how "not being pregnant" will feel. Sure, it will be nice to meet the baby, and to find out what it is, and come up with a name, but for the time being I'm still enjoying being extra plump, and seing random people smile at my little round belly. It's been so magical and special, and I'll be ready for it to be over when my body and baby are too!