Friday, August 20, 2010

week 36

Today we went in for our 36 week (AND 5 days) appointment little baby, and you had the midwife all worked up about a few things. The midwife tells me you are going to be small...she estimates you at 5 or 5 1/2 pounds right now. She thinks you'll be 6 or so by the time you're born, but maybe you'll surprise us! I bought us some bacon (real bacon not the kind that Daddy eats!) for our sandwiches today ;) hope you like it! You're still doing really strange things in there and I'm a bit curious to see when you'll come! Only a few more weeks now little one...we are praying for you and anticipating your arrival!

We had our home visit last night with our birth team and attendants. I was so nervous, and it was a little stressful for me. It was hot and we had a lot of people in one room, and I was worried about how some of our attendants were going to react to the meeting, and what questions would be brought up. I also met for the first time, two new midwives, one of whom will be at the birth, and was imagining that in a few weeks I'll be half naked in front of everyone there.

Thomas seemed uncomfortable amidst all the estrogen which subsequently led to the loosening up his already loose filter. The meeting ended with a baby "ebbing" in and out of the "birth opening", a reference made to "prairie dogging", and me telling him rather rudely that he could go in the other room if he couldn't handle it. My FIL also joined in for the last few minutes, he missed the no boys allowed except for Thomas memo. So in all it was an awkward adventure, but one I'm glad to have been on. I feel excited, and somewhat prepared...and huge.

1 comment:

  1. oh tommy tommy tommy! he may be a man, but the boy is always right under the surface.....
