This week we went to meet our midwife and Karen (another midwife) to talk about you and me, and your arrival next month! We had our visit in her office, which was the front half of her home. We talked a lot about my iron levels, and went over different questions we had for her regarding our home birth. We will be scheduling our 37 week "home visit" soon, which will be kind of like a walk through, and ordering our birth kit tomorrow! I can't believe you're almost here little one! Daddy and I are so excited to meet you!
We are currently in the Dormition fast and I'm using this special time (it's a feast of my patron saint you know) to pray extra, and prepare my heart for your arrival. I've been trying to get us to church more (there's a service everyday) and to pray for us and for your birth a lot too. Things have been pretty peaceful around here and this season in the church has definitely contributed to such a feeling. I am feeling myself slow down these days, and like it a lot.
I don't know if this is normal, but I still feel really great! Sure, I'm pretty tired and
once the baby comes everyone comments on the baby instead of you, so enjoy it! :)