Wednesday, April 7, 2010


You're a whopping 5 1/2 inches long this week and the size of a sweet potato! This week your beginning to accumulate all that cute squishy fat that we'll all enjoy squeezing and kissing and hugging once you come out. You're starting to listen to us and what's going on too! I think that's pretty cool! What do you think of Emma? Your eyes have finished moving from the side of your head to the front (thank goodness) and are even starting to move. And lastly little one, you'll be working on making little finger (and foot) prints too. No wonder we've been so tired! I'm especially excited because this is the week that I first felt you move (for real this time! And during the Pascha service!). It took me a while to notice you little one because you were being pretty gentle. I have felt you almost everyday since. This week we'll be getting a call from Kaiser to schedule your 20 week scan...can't wait to see you again and get some more cute little pictures. Oh and I ordered something special for your room this week too, I think you'll like it a lot!

17 week update!

How far along: 17 weeks and 6 days

Symptoms:The lower back/coccyx pain I experienced in the first trimester is back with a vengeance. It's more of a "caught" feeling actually and as soon as I stretch and pop whatever is out of whack back into place I'm good. The only bummer is I can't get on the floor in public. Oh well. I've been noticing that my belly is (majorly) growing too, and the stretching and pulling is rather intense (and painful! Round ligament pain!). Lisa Marie told me about this wrap that I could make to help support my stretching muscles and ligaments. I think it originates in Japan. It's pretty cool and feels so nice, until it twists up. I think I'll still be paying Babies R Us a visit to pick up a support belt though...maybe when we register in a few weeks. Other than that we're good. My humongo appetite has died down. I've been getting in two pretty good meals a day and some snacks.

Total weight gain: 7 (or 8?) pounds. A lot of my clothes don't fit right anymore. 

Maternity clothes: A friend of mine let me borrow some of her maternity clothes, sadly most are for cooler weather. I'm feeling pretty frustrated with my wardrobe these days. I still haven't figured out how to comfortable dress myself, and finding things that fit and that aren't too expensive is super tricky. 

Sleep: I have gotten on this really weird sleep cycle of waking late and staying up late. It makes me feel so lazy. Got. to. Stop!

Best moment last week: Feeling the baby move! I first noticed "something" during the ENTIRE Pascha service. I kind of played it off because I was super uncomfortable and tired...I thought maybe I was imagining it. THEN, I felt it again Sunday night. I was laying in bed, Thomas had already gone to sleep, I was still awake of course, playing around with my belly. I was poking it and squishing it, feeling around to see it I could tell where the top of the uterus was/is and such, it's sides, and poking this one spot that has gotten really hard in the last week or so. After a good 4 minutes I felt an "extremity" (I'm not sure if it was a hand or a foot) punch me...pretty much telling me "Stop that please, it's super annoying and some of us are trying to sleep" was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing!  Thank God!!!!!!!

Movement:Tons now that I know what it feels like. It's not constant, and only really happens in the evening or at night when I'm trying to drift off to sleep (I think baby ham is nocturnal). But occasionally during the day I'll feel little twinges and pokes. It's so fun!

Food cravings: Spicy stuff and milk for this week. 

Belly Button in or out: Still in, but it's definitely spreading/thinning out and becoming so flat (and ugly) looks so weird. But, on the bright side I can no get to all those cracks and crevices. I have a clean belly button complex from doing so many ekg's. I can't tell you how many times I lifted up a shirt and belly button lint was either flying around (along with dead skin-but that's another story) or oozing out of the persons belly buttons. Long story short I keep it clean.  

What I miss: Sushi. Sometimes I get nervous that after the baby comes I wont like it anymore. :( And clothes that fit and make me feel pretty. I need some ideas on how to "dress for two"...I've been feeling so frumpy. AND...all the clothes that I packed away today. Mostly my high waist skirts and "sassy outfits" (thanks Lauren :P )...I thought to myself as I was carefully packing them away, "Will I even be a barely above-the-knee kind of girl anymore come November?". I'm turning a new leaf! 

What I am looking forward to: Baby's 20 week scan
Milestones: Feeling the baby move!  
How is daddy? He's happy that I felt the baby move. I told him that now that the baby can "hear" and "respond" he HAS to start talking to he did. They talked about how when "he" comes out daddy will teach him how to play video games and do boy things"....He did say something cute the other day, though not directly to me. It made me tear up a little so I copy and pasted it here so I wouldn't forget what he said: " I want to be surprised at the birth... How exciting to stare at your child with all it's beauty and then realize at that moment what your child's gender is too! WOW! Can you say overwhelming amounts of joy and surprise? I've heard all the arguments against waiting, but I really really really really want to wait." He then went on to say that "it's not something one can do and not the other", so looks like I wont be finding out.

How are the grandparents? Still excited? this question is kind of redundant.

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