Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Secrecy and Proclamation

January 9th 2010
I know that quite a number of people believe that a woman should wait until the 3 month mark to make an announcement about her pregnancy. Jewish people actually have rules about that sort of thing! Being neither Jewish, nor particularly hushed in nature, our secret lasted all of 4 seconds. I had originally intended to wait until the "12" week mark before making any announcements, becuase it just seems safer than telling eveyone right away. My little sister was the next to know, and only because she had long ago threatened to never speak to me again if I told anyone before her, in the event of a pregnancy occurring. She doesn't know about Rachael :) So I called her Saturday night and asked her to come over for tea. Besides, my little secret was just eating me away and I had to tell someone before all of my teeth fell out (I immagine that's what would happen to a person who kept a secret of that magnitude for far too long) I ended up having to convince/bribe her to come over (she was spending time with her boyfriend) and she noticed the excitement/urgency in my voice. She guessed right away and cried right away too. She surprised me with flowers and we had a fun evening together with our new dishes, some pizza, and a spinach salad.

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